Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mac Attack

Hello there.  Remember us?  We had grand visions of writing a weekly cupcake blog.  It lasted for... a month?  Since our last post, babies have been born, houses purchased, desserts eaten, and none of it recorded for posterity.

But it's Wacky Wednesday, and we're nothing if not wacky.  Plus, Jenny and I were reminiscing (via text! did texting even exist in 2009!?) about our ridiculousness in a simpler time, keeping a blog about cupcakes.  Pish.  Cupcakes WERE hot right then, but they seem to be over.

Macarons are apparently over, too, but they're still delicious.  So for today's installment of the cupcake review board, I ate a Hot Chocolate and Marshmallow macaron from babo., a charming deli right around the corner from our office.  They have "edgy" flavors, but I like my desserts somewhat traditional.  I can tell you that their vanilla macaron is DELICIOUS, but I hadn't had this flavor before, so here's what came back with me.

Looks kinda like a baby hamburger, right?

It was about as bland as something chocolate-flavored could be.  The meringue-y cookie portion was also slightly chewier than I like my macarons, and the filling was non-descript.  For $2.50, I wanted something super-sweet and delicious that only took three bites to eat, and this was a five-biter that was average.

Cupcake-ers, I feel like I've let you down.  I won't stray from cupcakes again!

babo macaron - C-

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad that our triumphant return wasn't more delicious but at least you got out there and ate a macaron and blogged about it for everyone to see! Damnit, that's what this blog was/is all about! I applaud you!

    The last thing I need is a reason to go out and eat a cupcake, but you've just given me one so I'll see you next week, players!
