Thursday, June 11, 2009

German Chocolate Cupcake

I was not a huge fan of chocolate cake until just a few years ago. The cake that changed all that for me? German chocolate cake. It might have something to do with the sugary-coconut frosting that's slathered on top and in between layers of chocolate cake. To me, plain chocolate cake isn't sweet enough. Sometimes it's good with cream cheese frosting (because what isn't good with cream cheese frosting?), but most of the time I just flat out prefer vanilla cake. But German chocolate cake provides the balance of a sugary sweet frosting and the less sweet chocolate cake - a perfect blend.

The German chocolate cupcake has one major disadvantage versus the cake: no middle layer of frosting. No chance for the chocolate cake to absorb those ridiculously sweet frosting flavors! For that reason alone, I would give this cupcake only a passing grade, because it just doesn't compare to a slice of German chocolate cake. I'm not saying it was bad, because I gladly devoured that little cuppie. In fact, it would probably be my go-to cupcake of the chocolate variety. The frosting was delicious and the cake itself was nice and moist. Now if only they could come up with a way to dissect the cupcake into layers, then we'd really be on to something!

German Chcolate Cupcake - B+

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